Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Changed the Name of the Blog... Again

Changed the Name of the Blog... Again

I felt that the title of this blog should be all-inclusive given the scope and nature of my research.  For instance, the history of Vinland is but one chapter in the ancient history of New England.  Native American land use and ceremonial stone constructions is another chapter(s).
I have also come to the conclusion that in pre-deluvian times, meaning, before the last global flood as well as other significant Earth changes, there is an entirely lost pre-history/ era on Earth that we moderns barely know about.... anything having to do with "the Land of the Gods" is known about in only a very fragmented sense.  For instance, before the current 23 degree tilt in the Earth's axis, the North Pole region was further south from where it is now, including in the Quebec and northern New England region.  I believe this is significant.

Therefore, the new name of this blog will be "Vinland, Great Ireland, Native StoneWorks, Mud Fossils, Giants & Atlantis In New England."   As I said, this new title is a bit more all-inclusive given the scope and focus of my research.

To stress the point, here is a partial list of stone constructions and the era of our Earth's history they pertain to:

Pyramid Hills such as in Milford, MA., Blue Hills MA., Monument Mountain, MA., etc.= pre-deluvian ("Atlantean.").  The works of the "gods" or "giants."

Stone Chambers= Celtic, Native American /Celtic hybrid.

Stone Cairns/ Stone Mounds= Native American, sometimes Celtic, sometimes Viking, depending (the Viking ones are "oval" or boat shaped.)

Stone Walls= pre-deluvian remnants, also Celtic, Native American (stone rows), and colonial


I hope you see my point.  I also hope the reader has enjoyed my last several posts and I look forward to many more! 

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Remembering Vinland

Remembering Vinland

Through diligent research, integrity, and intellectual honesty, I have decided to once again re-name my blog- it will now be known as 'Remembering Vinland'.

Several things have occurred to me- first of all, as seen in my last post, scholarly research into Atlantis and other "Lost Civilizations" is a serious, tangible inquiry that has yielded quite a few results in favor of the former existence of such places- Atlantis having been an island continent in the Northern Atlantic Ocean.  The ancient Celts in particular had a strong cultural rememberence of this, which gave rise to the notion of TirNanOg, Avalon, Atlantis, The Land of the Hills (most likely New England, referring to the morning fogs, mounds and Stone Chambers), etc.  The problem is, the pre-Christian Celtic world, even the names of the ancient great monarchs, are mostly lost and/or obscured from history.

TirNanOg for instance was "the land of the Other World beyond the Western Ocean."  As author Robert Charroux had explained in one of his books, this was true in both a literal sense as well as a magical sense.  My interpretation of the New England/ upstate New York Stone Chambers has come to be thus- they were the Sun temples of the Celtic Sun God Bel (aka Baal), but probably also the final resting places of some of the ancient Celtic monarchs- for instance, the twin chambers at Gungywamp (which is an ancient Celtic word, and not a Native Algonquian term), in Groton CT., may have been the resting place of a male and female monarch, possibly somebody with the prefix -Con as a title to their name, ancestors of St. Colomba, abbot of Iona circa 565 A.D.- these were sea-faring people.  For instance, the King may have been buried in the Sun Chamber, the Queen in the "Mother Earth" Chamber.
And, in fact, a Celtic urn (possibly a burial urn with former cremated remains) was indeed found in one of the Stone Chambers by two amateur enthusiasts at Gungywamp many decades ago- the sample, when handed over to professional archaeologists for further analysis simply disappered and was never heard from again.

We do know that the Norsemen's Vinland, circa 1000 A.D. which was the New England region, was a reference meaning "VineLand" (an abundance of wild grapes), which in turn referred to an earlier Celtic settlement of New England by sea-faring Celts- references of encounters with these people, who spoke an Irish language are referrenced in some of the Sagas of the Icelanders such as the account of Thorfin Karlesefni- in one excursion in New England, aka Vinland, circa 1001 A.D., two Irish-speaking boys were captured (two of the ancient New England Celts), and they gave the names of their parents and two Irish Kings their people paid tribute to who lived across "the great water" of the Atlantic Ocean- one of their names (off the top of my head- I have no notes for this post, but will for my next post- this post is really just an "announcement" post)- was King Avalldamon.  These two Celtic boys also told the Norsemen that their people built crude stone fortifications and "dens" which sound very much like Stone Chambers to me.  This is documented evidence from the Icelandic Sagas circa 1000 A.D. that Celtic people were already in the New England region and preceded Viking exploration of the area.  And what is more, we have a reference to this Celtic people building in stone- the New England Stone Chambers are an exact match of their counterparts from the ancient western European seaboard region.  

I do not exclude that there were probably Stone Chambers built which represented a Celtic/ Native American hybrid type of stone construction- in fact, I very much get that sense when looking at some of the Stone Chambers.  But, lets be realistic- we have the above-mentioned account of ancient Celtic people building crude stone forms of architecture in ancient New England.  When one goes to King Philip's rock for instance, which is a Wampanoag sacred place, we  are looking at a fortified natural rock den/cave, which is nothing like a Stone Chamber.  The Stone Chambers are Celtic, not Native American.

William B. Goodwin, who wrote "The Ruins of Great Ireland in New England" in 1946 was at that time, the world's pre-eminent scholar on the Icelandic Sagas.  Yet, in today's environment, his research has been disregarded and trashed by so-called "antiquarians", such as the members of NEARA, some of whom are not really antiquarians at all.  In other words, people like William B. Goodwin and Berry Fell should be respected, but instead their findings have become belittled and trashed because it does not fit certain accepted narratives and notions of ancient history, even when the evidence is already "in."  (Some of this evidence that becomes "in" apparently disappears.)  

Vinland went by the names Great Ireland and Albania, among other names.  Today there is still an Albany, upstate New York, the only other region besides New England where the Stone Chambers are present.  One has to wonder why certain groups of colonists named Albany as such in the first place.  Grapes were sacred to Celtic people, as it was the main ingredient in their initiatic drink greal, which later merged with the concept of "the grail" in later Christian times (read "The Wine That Causes Insanity" from the book "Masters of the World" by Robert Charroux.)  SouthEastern New England, the home of the most Stone Chambers, is Vinland, the land of the grapes.  Many native muscat grapes and others grow wild in my area.  The Concord grape was perfected in Concord, MA. in the late nineteenth century.  I enjoy plucking and eating wild grapes off the vine this time of year in Holliston, Milford, etc.  In fact, the Celtic folklore states that the Tuatha de Dannon (ancient cultural initiators of the Celts) brought the first grapes to the European Celts from TirNanOg, the "land of the other world across the western ocean."  The Tuatha de Dannon were survivors from Atlantis.

Also, concerning Stone Walls.  According to the 1890's survey of New England stone walls, there was more stone walls at that time than could go around the circumference of the Earth more than ten times.  Therefore, it is a statistical impossibility that all New England stone walls were built between 1620 and the 1890's.  This is because many New England stone walls, such as the ones that run up granite ledges and into mega-ton boulders, (thus qualifying as megalithic structures in their own right) were built by the ancient New England Celtic people- it stands to reason then, that some of the stone cairns associated with these walls are also ancient Celtic in origin.  

For some reason. the real ancient history of this land has been forgotten.  There are academics and archaeologists who are currently engaged in trying to erase this very important history.  There are people from NEARA for instance who convinced some of the representatives of the local tribes such as the Narragansett that the Stone Chambers were built by their ancestors.  Peter Waksman was one of these people- he is not really an antiquarian in any true sense, but rather, was thinking in terms of conservationism- which is a good idea.  However, the subject has become more befuddled and confused than ever due to this.  It took a long time for a younger researcher such as myself to ascertain the true nature of the ancient Stone Chambers and other ruins.  Therefore, this blog will be herefore known as "Remembering Vinland."      



Thursday, September 3, 2020



Magomisquog is the traditional place name for the hills of Milford, MA. in the Algonquian language.  It means "the great rock affording a grand view."  It's real meaning may be obscured, meaning- "the giant's rock affording a grand view."  Please bear with me.  The "-MA" prefix of Magomisquog means "great."  It also shows up in the word "Massachusetts."  (A "-chusett" is a mountain or hill, as in Wachusett.  The Massachusett people were/are "the great people living by the hill", in this case the Blue Hills outside of Boston.)  However, this tribe is also commonly referred to as the Ponkapoag tribe.  So if the prefix "-MA" means "great", as in giant, are the modern day and historical people really one and the same as the "Massachusett", or, in this name, as we are seeing, were the ancestors of the Ponkapoag paying tribute to the former glory of "the gods"?- in this case, Algonquian cultural initiators such as the giants Glooscap and Moshup, etc.  I have good reasons to suspect that certain hills, such as the Blue hills and the hills of Milford, MA., were the crude pyramid-like hills of these giants- some of these reasons I will get into in this post.

  • As I noted in a previous article, the place name Magomisquog seems to share a phonetic affinity with Magog, or Og, the giant of the Old Testament of the Judeo-Christian Bible, who survived the flood by clinging to the roof of the Ark.  The Old Testament also affirms that before the Tower of Babel fell, all of humanity on the face of the Earth spoke but one tongue- this is a reference to an antediluvian (pre flood) era, which is an era of our human history which is steeped in the highest antiquity and mystery to us modern folk.  In the old Celtic lands of Western Europe a giant was referred to as a "Gogmagog."  (See the book "Gogmagog- the Buried Gods" by T.C. Lethbridge.)  
  • Now lets come back to New England.  Surviving legends from the Abenaki tribe (New Hampshire, Vermont, etc.) say that the Creator punished the giants and sent a flood, turning them into stone.  I take this legend literally, because I have seen the evidence first-hand of what this traditional Abenaki folk-memory is talking about.  I have seen the remains in the Milford area of  a "mud fossil" of a giant's head.  Mud fossils are created from an inundation of water, i.e., a flood.  Instead of the living organism breaking down as usual, the organism inundated by water will crystalize under the right conditions and becomes petrified, turning into stone.  The stone head I mention would have been that of an individual some 9 to 12 ft. in height.  I have not done an exact measurement of the giant's head, but it is obviously rather larger than that of a modern person's.  Other details are that are that on one side of the face, the blood vessels would have popped, and one can see just that on the stone face- grainy reddish pock-marks in the stone.  Lastly, the giant's face is a gap, wearing the facial expression one would expect to see of somebody who was suddenly caught in a flood.  As further evidence of the Mud Fossil theory in this area, I have noticed that some of the boulders are the mud fossil remains of the mega-fauna from antediluvian times.  For instance, near the New England Mountain Bike Association memorial, Vietnman woods, in Milford, is the mud fossil of a giant sea turtle.  The casual observer may not notice these things, however.  Many boulders in this area are actually the mud fossil remains of extinct mega-fauna from before the flood.  Some antiquarian researchers and even some Native people have gotten the wrong idea of the interpretation of these boulders- I have seen current revisionist diagrams of a drawing representing a Native person pounding a boulder out with stone tools, say, 1,000 years ago or so, to make the boulder look like an animal.  This is a totally wrong interpretation.  These boulders were once living creatures that were caught in a flood and turned to stone.  We need to wise up and listen to traditionalist Native elders when they say- "the stones themselves were once alive."  In modern times, the Mud Fossil theory echoes what Native elders were saying- the problem is, modern people (mostly) are not willing to believe it- including some of these so-called antiquarian researchers.  In fact, I have found sea-shells in three different areas in the hills of Milford, due to digging during construction projects- when I showed my archaeologist friend a sample of these shells he didn't know what to make of it and said it was very unusual to see this, this far in-land.  I believe this is evidence of the global flood in this area from thousands of years ago.

  • Next, we will examine geological anomalies of the North American Seaboard/ Atlantic Region, as it ties in to the above data and conjectures.  Atlantis was an island continent in the middle of what is now the Atlantic Ocean.  The godfathers of this theory are Plato, Ignatius Donnely (see his book "Atlantis the Antediluvian World"), Lewis Spence, author of "The History of Atlantis", Otto Muck, author of "The Secret of Atlantis" and Charles Berlitz, author of "Atlantis- the Eighth Continent."  Plato's account was a historical account, not an allegory.  All of the above authors were very serious scholarly researchers.  Charles Berlitz for instance was fluent in 18 different languages.  A second theory, which I believe to be wrong, is that Atlantis was in the Mediteranean, as in Santorini and the island of Crete, seat of the ancient Minoan civilization.  This theory is wrong and contradicts Plato's historical account which his ancestor Solon received as an historical account from even earlier Egyptian priests at Sais, Egypt.  Plato is explicit when he says Atlantis was beyond the Pillars of Hercules, which are the Straits of Gibraltor at the mouth of the Mediteranean Sea.  Although Prof. Galanopolous, the godfather of the Atlantis in the Mediteranean theory, did good work concerning Crete/ the Minoan culture, which is very interesting anyway, he had to lie through his teeth to fudge Plato's facts and dates around to make Atlantis fit into a strict Mediteranean culture (the Minoans were probably distant inheritors of the Atlantic tradition, but were not THE Atlantis.) 
  • A third theory is that Atlantis is now the Antarctic- that during Earth's last pole shift, the Atlantean landmass (mid Atlantic region) drifted and is now the frozen Antarctic.  The godfathers of this theory are Rose and Rand Flem-Ath, the Canadian librarians who wrote "Atlantis Beneath the Ice."  I am not so much a proponent of this theory, although there may be something to it- at any rate, there are many great mysteries concerning the polar regions- the North and South Poles.  These regions may also contain entrances into the hollow earth- an account of the North Pole opening is given in Willis George Emerson's "The Smoky God- A Voyage to the Inner World", and there are the accounts of Admiral Byrd, among others, in regards concerning the hollow earth and the South Pole.  In "Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings" by Charles Hapgood we learn that the Piri Reis map of the middle ages, which was a copy of older source maps (probably from the lost library of Alexandria), shows the Antarctic landmass as it would have appeared before it became covered in ice.  The problem is, the Piri Reis map is from before the modern discovery of Antarctica.  The landmass features on the Piri Reis map can only be checked, and accurately so it must be said, against the works of late 20th/ early 21st century scientists who used technology such as Li-Dar to figure out the land features of the Antarctic beneath the ice.  Yet these same features appear on the Piri Reis map from the middle ages, which was copied from older source material maps, now lost to history due to the burning of the Library of Alexandria, which was a seat of knowledge in the ancient pagan world.  The Piri Reis map also accurately shows the coasts of the Americas.  

  • It is interesting to note too, that the North Pole region was regarded as a Central Pole in the minds of the ancients, which lined up to a celestial pole- the constellation of Ursa Major, the Seven Stars.  It is my belief that this concept can be gleaned in ancient New England stone ruins- even in some of the "simpler" stone cairns- one only needs to notice the "arch" motif, which may represent the celestial arch of the heavens, aka "the vault of the sky."  

  • But lets get back to Atlantis.  Atlantis, being an island continent in the middle of what is now the Atlantic Ocean, had a final submergence some 12,000 or so years ago- there was an asteroid impact somewhere in the North Atlantic region during this time- the North American region was severely impacted by this- this can be seen in the phenomenon of stone vitrification- this is why many boulders in the New England area look like they have a streak (or streaks) of melted butter running down the rock face- the intense heat of the solar flares/ incoming asteroid partly melted the stones.  Some of the larger conical-shaped boulders, which we think of as simply conical-shaped boulders today, were in fact small pyramids before the event of the last major cataclysm that occurred with the sinking of Atlantis.  As an example of this I would cite the conical shaped boulder behind the Drum Stone, or "Chattering Rock" in Holliston MA.  The Drum Stone was an enigma to the early Holliston settlers- very few people have grasped it's true context.  The real significance of the Drum Stone is, it is next to the site of the sacred boulder, which is the vitrified/partly melted and sealed off remains of an ancient Atlantean Pyramid Temple, which today simply looks like a conical-shaped boulder.  The New England region always related to Atlantis, or "the Land of the Gods" since the remotest of antiquity.  Those who could, and indeed still can, vibrate the Drum Stone to a certain frequency (the drum stone weighs a few tons and is perched precariously in a perfect balancing act atop a 'shelf' boulder- it will vibrate to hollow pitch tones when "played" correctly)- were/are worthy of entering the Pyramid Temple, as there are nearby entrances.  It is here where the Spirits of the Ancient Ones will impress themselves upon the initiate- if they be worthy.

  • But lets get back to the geological anomalies of the North Atlantic region- the volcanoes which go off in Iceland/ Greenland even still in our times are the hick-ups of the volcanoes that violently went off with the sinking of Atlantis.  Then there is the National Park in Newfoundland, Canada, that is a unique place because it rose up from the core of the Earth about 12,000 years ago- there is no other place really like it.  Then there is the Old Champlain Sea in Vermont, which ceased to flow in-land around 12,000 years ago- since those times it is now sand dunes, and many strange artifacts have been found there.  Then there are the geographical anomalies of New England/ New York.  It was during the lesser cataclysm of 5,000 years ago that Martha's Vineyard, Nantucket, Long Island, etc. broke away from the mainland.  This was due to the new arrival of Venus into our solar system.  Venus acted more like a wandering comet at first until it settled down (see "Worlds In Collision" by Immanuel Velikovsky.)  Also, without our modern infrastructure, one couldn't even make it through the swamps in my area to get from one side of town to the other- which I am sure has something to do with all these other anomalies.  Going further south, there are the North and South Carolina Bay craters.  The craters of the Carolina coasts were formed during the same asteroid impact that sunk Atlantis- as I said, North America got hit pretty hard (see the book "The Cycle of Cosmic Catastrophes" by Firestone, West, & Warwick-Smith.)  Then there is the Sargasso Sea, which is an underwater river that flows through the Atlantic.  In fact, some of the mysteries related to the Bermuda Triangle may have to do with the presence in one way or another of the Sargasso Sea.  This is the sunken river that would have flowed through the middle of Atlantis before our times.  Eels spawn in the Sargasso Sea (off the eastern seaboard of North America) and make a 3 year round-trip journey to the coasts of Europe to mate, coming back to the Sargasso Sea to hatch offspring, repeating the cycle.  They travel so far to do this only because their prior destination of Atlantis no longer exists.  This is the same reason why certain migratory birds circle over the Atlantic ocean 100 miles northwest of the Azores Islands- their memory chromosomes recalls that there should be land there when there no longer is.  Lastly, volcanoes are still going off once in a while in some of the Caribbean Islands for the same reason they are going off in Greenland/ Iceland- hick-ups from the convulsion that sunk Atlantis.  It is also off the coasts of the Caribbean Islands that many underwater stone ruins related to Atlantis have been found such as the Bimini Road.  However, New England has been a vestige of Atlantis since the remotest of antiquity as well- this can be seen in the form of stone vitrified pyramid hills, such as the hills in Milford, MA.  The lost island continent of Atlantis was located somewhere in the North Atlantic.  The whole eastern seaboard of North America relates to the vestiges of Atlantis- as does Greenland/ Iceland. the western seaboard of Europe, and down into the Canary Islands, North Africa and the Mediteranean.

  • Atlantis was the Land of the Gods, or Sea Kings.  The Tuatha de Dannon of the ancient Celts were cultural initiators from Atlantis- these gods are also synonymous with gods of other lands as well.  For instance, Lugh of the Strong Right Arm (an "Armstrong?") is synonymous with Thor of the Norse, and likewise Indra of the Hindus, and Hercules of the ancient Greeks.  The connections between Balor and Shiva are almost too good to be true- the common thread is the cross-cultural inheritance from the ancient Atlantean complex.

  • The ancient Celts were always a sea-faring people- they had a strong cultural rememberance of Atlantis- the Land of the Gods- the ancient Celts were able to find, or ascertain a vestige of Atlantis in New England, thus the erection of the ancient Stone Chambers in this region, which are also found in the Celtic homelands.  The stone chamber is a dry-stone wall, sometimes beehived style of post-Atlantean architecture, temples to the Sun God Bal, whose story has survived through the Christian figure of Jesus the Christ (the sun rises again on the day of the winter solstice after being "dead", or at its lowest point in the sky for three days, this is the symbolic re-birth of Christ from an astrological perspective- which is a vestige of an ancient Atlantean science.)  In fact, in 2012, I re-discovered and came upon an ancient stone structure in Medway MA.- a temple shrine (this structure has been featured extensively on this blog- one of the recent posts has a link to an older post with pictures of it.)  When I brought the archaeologists and antiquarians to the site, the stone structure was determined to have a winter solstice alignment- the first rays of the sun on this day shine into the hollow opening of the structure.  So, in my local area, within several modern township districts- the woods behind Fisher St. in Medway is where the sun is "born again", the Milford hills is the 'Land of Perpetual Youth', in fact, there is a mineral spring in the woods of the Milford hills, a 'fountain of youth' so to speak, which is the site of another stone chamber.  The spring comes from an underground water source in these woods, and is therefore uncontaminated- I recommend going to this place after a hard spring's rain.  It is there- the seeker will find it.  The sun peaks in the town of Upton, where the Upton Stone Chamber is located- there is a summer solstice alignment with this structure during the solstice sunset- the rays shine into the chamber.  It makes sense that the biggest ancient structure in the area would relate to the "peak experience" when the sun is at it's highest point in the sky.  This whole area was an ancient ceremonial district, from winter solstice in Medway to Summer Solstice in Upton, relating to the post-Atlanteans, the Native American, and the New England Celts.

  • Relating to "giants" or ancient cultural initiators, from the beginning of this essay- the northern Algonquians such as the MicMacs have Glooscap.  In Newfoundland, Canada, there is a statue of Glooscap made by a Micmac artisan.  Glooscap is giant in stature (and indeed did many good things for the Indians in ancient times) and has his arm outstretched because he is expecting an offering/tribute.  This kind of circular reasoning relates to what I wrote earlier about the Algonquian prefix "-MA" and perhaps the true meaning of "Magomisquog", etc.  In southeastern New England, the Wampanoags have Moshup, a sea giant, perhaps a counter-part to the northern Glooscap.  Moshup is married to the queen of the Little People.  This recalls Homer's Odyssey, where the nymph Calypso is married to a giant on the island of Ogygia (the name here has the prefix -Og, the name of the Biblical giant who survived the flood.)  As we learn in Steven Sora's book "Triumph of the Sea Gods" (there are older sources as well)- the hero in Homer's epic was lost at sea in the Atlantic, not the Mediternaean, and the places of his land falls can be identified today such as the Canary Islands, Azores, islands off of Ireland, etc.  Anyway, these common threads seem to indicate that these traditions have come from an ancient, now lost, Atlantean tradition that was experienced and kept alive by the ancestors of the people of these different cultural enclaves whether they be Greek, Irish or Wampanoag.  

  • New England was a vestige of Atlantis, and the ancients knew it