Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Changed the Name of the Blog... Again

Changed the Name of the Blog... Again

I felt that the title of this blog should be all-inclusive given the scope and nature of my research.  For instance, the history of Vinland is but one chapter in the ancient history of New England.  Native American land use and ceremonial stone constructions is another chapter(s).
I have also come to the conclusion that in pre-deluvian times, meaning, before the last global flood as well as other significant Earth changes, there is an entirely lost pre-history/ era on Earth that we moderns barely know about.... anything having to do with "the Land of the Gods" is known about in only a very fragmented sense.  For instance, before the current 23 degree tilt in the Earth's axis, the North Pole region was further south from where it is now, including in the Quebec and northern New England region.  I believe this is significant.

Therefore, the new name of this blog will be "Vinland, Great Ireland, Native StoneWorks, Mud Fossils, Giants & Atlantis In New England."   As I said, this new title is a bit more all-inclusive given the scope and focus of my research.

To stress the point, here is a partial list of stone constructions and the era of our Earth's history they pertain to:

Pyramid Hills such as in Milford, MA., Blue Hills MA., Monument Mountain, MA., etc.= pre-deluvian ("Atlantean.").  The works of the "gods" or "giants."

Stone Chambers= Celtic, Native American /Celtic hybrid.

Stone Cairns/ Stone Mounds= Native American, sometimes Celtic, sometimes Viking, depending (the Viking ones are "oval" or boat shaped.)

Stone Walls= pre-deluvian remnants, also Celtic, Native American (stone rows), and colonial


I hope you see my point.  I also hope the reader has enjoyed my last several posts and I look forward to many more! 

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