Saturday, August 29, 2015

Faces In A Rock Pile & A Dolmen Revisited/ Important Research

Faces In A Rock Pile & A Dolmen Revisited/ Important Research

Friends & Readers, 
I apologize for the blog's summer slow-down.  I have been staying active and in good health outside lately.  I have been going to sites but taking a more holisitc approach and just relaxing, instead of taking notes/ pics.  In fact it wasn't until recently (around the birth of this blog last year) that I fully realized the importance of taking pictures of these very important but very over-looked sites.  

Also, I found a better quality camera I got the other year which I thought was lost... once I exhaust all the photos of sites I have already taken you can expect better quality pictures on this blog!  I hope to post more consistently once again sometime this September.  

That said I would like to share some pics from the Milford Woods town line area.

Below is a picture of a stacked cairn on a boulder platform.  The boulder looks to be worked out into a face while the rock pile looks like maybe a head-dress.  As usual I will present the stoneworks from different angles.  This comes from a site I covered on this blog last December but I failed to notice this feature, which has been noted by researchers before:

From this angle the profile of the face is wider and looks more serpent-like.  Yes, that is an enclosure of boulders in the background.  My own gut says this rock pile could have something to do with human/ serpent dualism:

In the same cairn field is this other rock pile.  This one looks turtle-like/ reptillian:

Down the trail some-ways is this propped boulder over-looking a stream and a hill.  A good example of a "dolmen" or partial "dolmen".  For scale I placed my Cup O' Joe down.  Colonists clearly didn't do this and neither is this a glacial erratic:

The stone circle petro-form on the ground underneath the dolmen looks very familar!  This looks like a Stone Man petroform- the body is the circle, the top stone the head.  I have seen this symbolism before used in a cairn at a site on private peoperty in this same area that I personally un-earthed myself here- .  Actually, the Stone Man petroforms at both sites look very similar- the same workmanship is shown off.  It is this kind of ground-breaking research that I am proud to present.  I know this blog does not fall on deaf ears, but it remains to be seen if such connections will ever be taken seriously by mainstream academics.  As we will see from the next picture after the one below, bird dymbolism is found at both sites as well:    

The dolmen is at the end of a stone wall, indicating the wall's obvious indigenous origins.  Right outside the dolmen is a bird stone, as seen on the top left.  It is looking to the hill in the horizon.  Perhaps just like the other site I linked to above (comparing the symbolism of both sites), there may be a solar alignment at this site as well.  If this is the case than there is no choice but to conclude that the bird has the same meaning/ purpose as a marker at both sites: 

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Prof. Curt Hoffman Interviewed @ Robbins Museum About the "Little League Site"- Long Distance Trade, Etc.

Prof. Curt Hoffman Interviewed @ Robbins Museum About the "Little League Site"- Long Distance Trade, Etc.

Below is a Youtube link featuring Curt Hoffman at the Robbins Museum talking about "the Little League Site" in Middleborough.  Excavation was ongoing since 1996, by meticulous professionals.  High volume of ceremonial objects were found at this site, indicative of long distance trading to obtain some objects.  About 5 minutes long: