If You Are Looking For Pyramids (Massive Stone Mounds)/ Temple Complexes In New England.... You Must Check Out Milford (MA.)
In the last post I had mentioned that by the Echo Lake Stone Chamber there are two large pyramidal stone mounds above a ravine, either next to or incorporated into the Stone Chamber complex (or rather the Stone Chamber may be incorporated into these pyramids, er, I mean "mounds".) Again, the ruins of structures such as these could be confused for glacial till. However upon close observation (not complicated stuff if you research rock piles), these stones were put into place, and the contours conform to that of a mound/ pyramidal shape. This is not to say that glacial till does not occur, but in this case we are not looking at glacial till. Now, the ones by the Echo Lake Stone Chamber are maybe 25 ft. in height (a rough guess.) There are also massive boulders around these stone mounds, as one goes up from the bottom of the ravine. There is another massive stone mound elsewhere by Echo Lake, maybe 10 ft. higher than these other two.
However... the great grand-daddy of stone mounds, or in this case, ah, screw it, I have to call it out for what it is, I have examined it well enough and I am no fool (not my fault if no one else is on to it)-- the great grand-daddy PYRAMID in Milford MA. is on the other side of the street from Echo Lake/ WildCat, UP IN THE HILLS. Up there one finds a MASSIVE COMPLEX. First there are massive cairn fields and complexes of stone walls. And there are MANY Standing Stones, some up to six ft. in length. That part is obvious (if you have an eye to see). What is also obvious is a ring of boulders capping a plateau peak, but not THE peak... but as far as the pyramid is concerned, the great boulder in the middle of the ring of boulders, which features simulacra (at least two human profile faces, one looking up and one looking west) is in fact the "Cap-stone" of this "pyramid" complex. Or, we may call this boulder a "proto-capstone." And in a more natural state, perhaps this cap-stone is a better way to go, anyway.
Now... on to why I am actually calling this a Pyramid. It goes BEYOND just a cairn field, or a multi-leveled complex of stone walls, it goes BEYOND the fact that there are dozens upon DOZENS of Standing Stones in that one spot (as well as God-Stones and Bird Effigies) and it goes beyond a massive boulder w/ massive quartz veins surrounded by smaller boulders capping the peak of a plateau. On at least FOUR SIDES going up the hill, there are massive ruins of stone mounds... the largest stone mound rubble I have ever seen- again, not glacial till and NOT modern quarry rubble but stone mound ruins. It goes down to the highway corridor and ends above where there was construction for modern infrastructure, down (or up) a wooded hillside, through where there had been some modern quarrying (but any researcher into rock piles, etc. worth their salt will be able to immediately tell what is quarry rubble and what is older cairn/ stone mound), and it goes down the hill to where the power-lines now are.
Now, the site is hurt. There was late 19th- mid 20th century quarrying that hurt the site. They put power-lines in which has hurt the site, there is a highway corridor down below which has obviously had an impact on the site/ area (with major development across the corridor by "Fortune Blvd.") and also, and I hate to say this because the mountain bikers are really a group of people, they just don't know any better, smaller things get impacted by their jumps/ ramps/ etc. they put up in the area. For instance one ramp had two Standing Stones in it. They were running over a large Bird Manitou Stone in the middle of a major trail on their bikes (it was on it's side) and I found a purple crystal arrowhead in a dirt jump they had made.
Anyway, as I said, the "Stone Mounds" are MASSIVE that run up several sides of the hill- I am OBVIOUSLY looking at the ruins of a massive temple complex and/or pyramid (built into that particular corner of the hillside which encompasses several different angles conducive to what should qualify as a true pyramid.) Also, there is a large mounded earthen bank which is a part of this complex as well- below and above this earthen bank which seems to buffer different level zones of the structure are all kinds of massive stone ruins. Many stones here are shaped out into triangles/ pyramidal shaped, standing stones, etc. and many stones shaped out in the Native style. Also, it is true that there has been many phases of modern construction and infrastructure ruining entire portions of this complex. But, the complex is STILL HERE. There is even a large deer stone effigy. Also, where the complex has been irreplaceably damaged such as by quarrying, for instance, the complex picks back up beyond the spot that had been damaged.
Like I said, any serious researcher into this area of research should know what they are looking at and wouldn't be fooled by the modern quarrying- where that starts and ends should be obvious, as should the fact of the older ruins. This site is a pyramid. Even though mostly in ruins, there should be enough here for people to realize that this is one large Native-style stone ruins complex.
Below is a picture I have not shared before. It is from the same hill that I am talking about, but is sort of out of bounds, or perhaps on the very extreme edge, of the zone of interest that I am talking about. In this regard, it is not the best picture to share concerning this site because there are much better examples more in the heart of the zone I am referring to in this post. However, concerning how massive stone mound ruins may be confused for glacial till to an un-trained eye; again, not the best picture but it will do a fine enough job to show what I am referring to when I make this comparison (again, I have no new pictures because I am without a camera at the moment):

So yes, the stone ruins of what makes up the pyramids is like the above picture sort of. That is just a snapshot of a so-so- example, though. When standing under these ruins, they are panoramic, as far as the eye can see and in the heart of the zone of interest, above, to the left, to the right, etc. It just continues and at varying degrees of angles of different slopes of the hillside.
Also on this hill are some pics I have shared before. For example this chamber or underground room:
Stone ruins everywhere:
An example of a bird stone (one of many, and a smaller example at that) on top of a perched boulder:
A typical cairn on the hillside. The cairn itself is sacred like the hillside itself. Note the pyramidal center stone (top of the turtle shell):
A simulacra. A turtle's head (looking straight-on):
6 ft. Standing Stone w/ other Stoneworks:
Interesting stack in the stone wall that runs up the hill:
Below is the Egyptian god Horus. There seems to be a stone on the hill (no pic yet) that is very much like a proto-type Horus stone. It is a large bird effigy like an Eagle, that stands up maybe 2.5- 3 ft in height. The stone features a "Horus" (or something like it) type head-dress.
As far as the dimensions and general look of the Eagle stone, sort of "proto-type of Horus-looking" is concerned, this ancient stone from Australia's Gympie Pyramid in Queensland is a very close match. The stones have the same general dimensions, height, look, and "feel" to them, except in Australia we have an "ape man" (some say it is Thoth depicted as an Ape) and in Milford MA. we have an "proto-type of Horus-looking" Eagle Manitou Stone:
(Note: Without available pictures I am trying to give the reader the general feel for what the Eagle Stone looks like.)
Some other important points about the location of the Stone Ruins complex in Milford MA. It is the largest hill at the headwaters of the Charles River (which runs into other river systems and also the Atlantic in modern day Boston Harbor). Formerly the hills of Milford were known as "Magomisquog" or "Makomsakook", "the great rock place affording a grand view", or "great place of upright stones affording a grand view." One can see the Blue Hills from it's peak (still) as well as Mt. Wachusett (before the modern tree line), as well as other large hills/ small mountains in other directions. Also, Mavor and Dix do get into the subject of ancient Algonkian people engineering things such as Cedar Swamps. I think they are right. In fact, before the modern dam the Echo Lake area might be an example of this. The swamp under the ravines of the massive stone mounds near the Stone Chamber is still a Cedar Swamp inlet, for example. Wherever there are pyramids in the world there are also usually engineered water-works along with it such as in Central and South America, Mound building cultures in the US South East, in Egypt, possibly Bolivia, certainly in India, South East Asia, etc. etc. I have noticed that in the woods of Milford, in the general area as the pyramid hill, some of the trails seem to be dried up stream beds or "canals" or ancient "run ways" for waterworks. For instance, some of the rocks are rounded as if they belong in a stream/ river, and in severe storms they will become flooded and flow with water. Yet they are looked at as nothing more than trails for modern people to walk on. An interesting side note at least.
Concerning this hill we are either looking at a true pyramid or a proto-pyramid, in either case it is equally as impressive. That is all for this post.