Friday, March 29, 2019

The Mythology Surrounding Stone Chamber Sites/ Talking Stone Tools/ Robert Charroux Talks Atlantis + Continental Drift

The Mythology Surrounding Stone Chamber Sites/ Talking Stone Tools/ Robert Charroux Talks Atlantis + Continental Drift

I would like to take this oppurtunity to continue where I left off from the last post, which was two weeks ago.  Another category in favor of the Celtic origin of the Stone Chambers of New England should be looked at: the mythology, or legends, or people's unusual experiences, surrounding these sites.  In the book "Celtic Mysteries In New England", (published in the 1990's or early 2000's) author Philip Imbrogno gives the testimony of many people who have had strange experiences at these sites.  These experiences are usually that of apparitions, or ghosts, appearing out of nowhere, of what could only be explained as a Druid.  For instance, Imbrogno gives the account that in Putnam County, New York, the area of the most Stone Chambers outside of New England, a man walked into a Stone Chamber out of sheer curiosity-- out of nowhere, a bearded, hooded figure, who did not take on a completely solid physical manifestation, pushed this man straight out of the Chamber and snarled something to the affect of "Get Out!"  
Okay, the above account may be too much for some people to take in (I recommend reading books such as "ESP- Beyond Time and Distance" by TC Lethbridge or "Ghost and Divining Rod" by the same author for a fuller, soberly coherent explanation of such phenomena), but the fact is, many people have had such experiences around Stone Chamber sites, as chronicled in Imbrogno's book, as well as elsewhere, including articles on the Internet.  
It is also worth mentioning that when I was up at Mystery Hill (America's Stonehenge) in North Salem New Hampshire some years ago, my friend asked one of the owners and caretakers of the property, Mrs. Stone (Robert Stone's wife) if there was any Native individuals or groups expressing interest in the site.  Her response was that no, but there was an (Wabanaki or Iroquoian) lady who was there once, some decades ago, who thanked the Stone's for preserving the site, because there was a story in her family that long ago, before the colonists came, groups of bearded men came to this area long ago and built something like "forts" on the hillside.  So, this is an interesting piece of intel regarding Native people's attitudes to these Stone Chamber sites some decades ago.  Compare what this lady told the Stone family some decades ago to what some Native people are now saying about Stone Chamber sites after Doug Harris of the Narragansett tribe (who have been instated as a federally recognized tribe since the 1980's)  penned his "Ceremonial Stone Landscapes" resolution, which was written only after Peter Waksman and the people who came to usurp certain positions within NEARA (New England Antiquarian Research Association- the earlier and founding members, such as Robert Stone, have left this organization in disgust), brought the attention of ancient stone sites, including the Stone Chambers, to the attention of Native people.  Peter Waksman has personally told me some stories of his accounts of bringing some of these sites to Native people's attention.  That is as much as I will write about that here, my intention here is not to write an expose on the matter, but I do want to set the record straight.  The point is there is now an erroneous explanation for the Stone Chambers being touted by people who do not really know, all the while appearing to be the experts.  This is wrong.  The past mythology of these sites speaks to a Celtic origin of the Stone Chambers.

In the book "Scottish WitchCraft: The History and Magick of the Picts" by Raymond Buckland, there is a beautiful picture of a Stone Chamber, page 29, in the Scottish countryside.  The heading underneath the picture reads "Tobar Hirta St. Kilda."  I could literally put up this picture in this blog and fool people into thinking it were a New England Stone Chamber.  Ever last detail about it is the same.  This implies a common origin as to the builders, hence the Celts, or perhaps the earlier Atlanteans (if this is the case, certain Native groups and Celtic groups would have partially inherited their culture.)  In the "Ruins of Great Ireland In New England" Goodwin shows a picture of the Hopkinton MA. beehive Chamber (now destroyed) next to a picture of an identical Stone Chamber found in the Irish countryside.  A good book that came out lately that has a chapter called "Celtic New England", showcasing the similarities of the Stone Chambers was Carl Lehrburger's "Secrets of Ancient America."   Now, onto the subject of the book Manitou by James Mavor and Byron Dix.  One of the Stone Chambers they excavated in Vermont did yield some stone tools.  Their conclusion was that these tools were Native American in origin.  There are several possible conclusions we can draw from this evidence, actually.  1) The stone tools are Native in origin so the Chamber must be Native in origin.  2) The stone tools may have been used by ancient Celtic people, who also would have worked in stone tools. 3) Some ancient stone tools made their way into the construction site of the later Stone Chamber.
After all, on Peter Waksman's Rock Piles blog, someone once commented how they were amazed at how many ancient stone tools modern people incorporate into their garden bed projects and other such projects whilst landscaping in their yards without even knowing it.

After years of research, I am partial to a post-Atlantean origin to the construction of Stone Chamber sites.  Some Native groups and some Celtic groups were in fact both inheritors of these earlier times.  I will now quote from Robert Charroux, but before I do, I should say that I have written about this on this blog before, although not as coherently as Charroux was able to state it.  In his book, One Hundred Thousand Years Of Man's Unknown History, first published in 1963, Charroux writes: "Modern geophysical knowledge has offered a new possible explanation of Plato's account of Atlantis, and made it seem more reasonable.  It all flows from Wegener's theory of continental drift, supported by the discoveries of Professor Stuart Blackett, winner of a Nobel Prize in physics.  It is highly probable, Blackett stated... that the continental landmasses have drifted away from each other since the Paleozoic era, and that North America, for example, moved about three thousand miles away from the Old World during the four hundred forty million years that preceded the Quaternary era."  Charroux then writes, "It is possible to disagree with Professor Blackett's chronology, since the dating of geological eras is only a matter of rough estimates.  The figure of four hundred forty million years may some day be replaced by four million- or even less- prehistory is rich in such divergencies- but the fact remains that continental drift is an acceptable theory....Blackett has calculated that Great Brittain has a north-westerly drift of about twenty feet per century, and it is known that Greenland is moving westward at the rate of three feet a year.  It is likely that such drifting is not constant, that it may INCREASE and DECREASE abruptly.  This enables us to see the story of Atlantis in a new light.  Plato's Atlantis may have been America, anchored in the Atlantic Ocean not far from the coasts of Africa and Europe, and a sudden, catastrophic drift may have caused part of the continent to be submerged."
Wow!  It is my contention that stone ruins in the area may actually be a relic of lost Atlantis (which tradition always placed outside the Mediterranian, outside the Straits of Gibraltor.)
Now, even though I was already putting this together through my own research, Charroux has already explained it quite clearly.  I would only add that (and I have pointed this out before) similar stone ruins, including Stone Chambers, appear in the Canary Islands, the Azores, British Isles, Mediterranean, Greenland, and New England (Read the August 2018 post for more on this, and also, follow the links).  It is my contention, if I may weigh in, and you can bet that I will, that these ruins bespeak of a forgotten era in our pre-history; the Red Paint and Red Ochre people would certainly factor into this, for they do appear to be one and the same, although from different sides of the Atlantic.  This would be the era after the Great Deluge, but before the Lesser Deluge (11,500-4,800 years ago.)  It is also my contention that after the Lesser Deluge, the initiates of various lands were still able to steer sea-worthy vessels and get about, even with the inundated flooding, but it would have been almost a new world to them, much harder to navigate across the ocean than before (before the Lesser Deluge there was more land areas and the ocean levels hadn't risen to their current levels.)

The true history of our past may actually read more like a Robert E. Howard "Conan" epic than what  people are led to believe from school, our institutions of higher learning, from our academics and so-called professionals.

Now to drop a bombshell.  Certain artifacts have in fact come to my attention that are most certainly pre-colonial, yet do not fit into any known Native context.  These relics are perhaps from John Keel's lost "super-civilization" or perhaps from the Atlanteans.  I am afraid I cannot say much about these stones on this blog.  When I researched one piece, however, only two similar artifacts in the entire world were identified.  One was found in Ohio, the other, in the English countryside.  And now a third has come up in New England.  I am afraid I cannot say more for now.  Other interesting relics have also come to my attention.  These types of relics would fit nicely into, let's say, a slide-show presentation put on by Klaus Donna.  Some years ago, I did not think I would be saying this.  But it is true.
To wrap this post up for now, given the recent content of the blog, as well as the recent revelations of my research, I have changed the title of the blog.  The title now reads: "Stone Ruins of the North Atlantic With An Emphasis On New England."

It is a crime to control the narrative of history, I feel I should share a good part of what I do know. 

Stay tuned, more to come at some future date....


1 comment:

  1. I am quite happy I found your blog. I have been researching the Stone Chambers of New England for sometime. I, too, have found similarities between the NE Stone Chambers and stone chambers across the globe. Korea has numerous large stone chambers. And I was most happy when I found Philip Imbrogno's books. But New England is not the only place in the US which has them. The more I research, the more I am finding mention of stone chambers in the western portion of the US (Utah, New Mexico, Colorado, Nevada) I have pictures of three stone chambers in Colorado which I am trying to track down similar building techniques. In Southeastern Colorado there are petroglyphs which have remarked similarities to proto-sumerian writing. Ogham petroglyphs have also been discovered in SE Colorado. It is my theory that there was a global civilization which originated in the Ukraine over 40,000 yrs ago. Ancient tumulus and other Celtic-style stone construction have been discovered in the Ukraine and these structures have been dated to 40K+ yrs of age. Could these people (Aratta) have been the origin of the Celts? Thank you for all your research.
