Sunday, February 28, 2016

Australian Stone Site Videos- Steven Strong At Adelaide

Australian Stone Site Videos- Steven Strong At Adelaide

Presented here are the Steven Strong videos from Australia.  This will be the final post at least for now concerning Australia.  Mr. Strong was a former school teacher who spent years working with Aboriginal youth/ people.  As he spent more time with the indigenous culture he quit his job as a teacher to become a student of "Aboriginal Studies" so to speak through direct experience.  As he was exposed more and more to Aboriginal belief systems and visiting sacred sites he discovered that the history of the land of Australia and it's people is far more complex than scholars acknowledge.  For instance, did you know that there are stone and earthen mounds in Australia?  Also, that there are "stone-henge" sites, such as concentric rings of rock and boulder that form patterns?  Or that there is even sacred caves and even mysterious chamber-like caves?  "Terraced" stone rows up rock ledges?  Or how about sacred stones depicting star-map constellations?

Steven Strong will be talking about all this and more in his presentation.

Part 1 - (1 hr. 26 mins.)

Part 2 (1 hr. 43 mins.) -

Some interesting Australian stone site pics to spice up the post:

Enjoy the lecture.

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