Saturday, June 3, 2017

Hieroglyphs, Sacred Symbolism, and the Motherland of Mu

Hieroglyphs, Sacred Symbolism, and the Motherland of Mu

I've got a little news I'd like to throw in your direction.  Let us take a closer look at a couple of images from a few posts back.  I am not attempting to give an interpretation here.  I am simply showing a commonality which I have noticed.  The interpretation is left open-ended for the reader to decide what to make of this "coincidence."  We all have a set of eyes and a brain, and hopefully the neurons in your brain are able to function. 

I would like to introduce the reader to the works of James Churchward, who wrote a series of books on Mu, the Motherland of human civilization.  He first published his works in 1931, going on 75 years ago.  From the brief description of the first book in the series, "The Lost Continent of Mu" it is said:
"Fantastic- but true!  The scientific and mystical discovery of a strange civilization that disappeared 50,000 years ago!"

Does that catch your attention, or does it sound like the book publisher is pitching woo-woo?  Well, surprise, surprise, because since the 1970's, long after James Churchward published his great works, it has been understood, especially more and more so lately, that the area around Sumatra, Indonesia, is the 75,000 year old Toba super-eruption event.  Here is a link to the Wikipedia article chronicling the event:

Of particular interest is the "Human Bottleneck Theory" described, caused by this catastrophe event.  According to Churchward, who was a Col. in the English army, assisting with flood relief in India, whom spent years at a monastery deciphering ancient tablets, the Motherland of Mu flourished as far back as 200,000 years.  He placed this lost civilization in the Pacific (Oceania), with the survivors spreading out into many locales around the globe (Southeast Asia, India, North and South America, Polynesia, etc.)  This is of course, according to Churchward.  At any rate, considering we are dealing with tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of years, we should not dismiss anything out of hand.  Perhaps this civilization did perhaps finally "vanish" 50,000 years ago which Churchward claims, in which case, according to Churchward, the temples and pyramids of the Yucatan, the Pyramids of Egypt, etc., are but later colonies, a remembrance from the priests of the Motherland (whom Churchward refers to as the "Nacaals".)  As the tablets Churchward deciphered in India were fragmentary and incomplete, mutually intellegeble hieroglyphic writings on stone tablets un-earthed in Mexico, discovered by William Niven, were translated by Churchward as well, in an attempt to bring this lost civilization to light.

The truth of the matter is, no matter what one personally thinks of Churchward's writings on Mu, his works stand up to scrutiny; in fact, as we have seen from learning about the Toba Super-eruption, which Churchward had no knowledge of, his works may actually be more verified than ever, for those with their nose to the ground.  To dismiss Churchward's works is the volition of one's own free will, and not due to any serious scientific inquiry into the matter, which I would suspect, is why a scientific inquiry into the matter is taboo.

Let us now concern ourselves with the ancient hieroglyph for the letter "H".  According to the chart presented below, we will see how the ancient hieroglyph of the proto-letter "H" looked like (as well as other letters), firstly, as seen in the "Nacaal" tablets which according to Churchward were translated directly from the source of the Motherland of Mu, as compared to the later colonies of the Mayan and Egyptian:

Below is an illustration of one of the stone tablets found in Mexico by William Niven which Churchward deciphered.  Also note that this version of the ancient cross also represents the spiral arms of the galaxy, which Churchward would not have known, where the ancient hieroglyph for the letter (or sacred symbol) "H" denotes the magnetic field of the center point, which Churchward ascribed as the "power" or "force" of the divine, or creator:  

Below, another tablet with the ancient symbol for the letter "H":

Below is a photo I took of a shaped-out boulder at an New England site.  This was first presented a few posts ago, from May 2017 here:  boulder inscription post .  The interest here is the hieroglyphic inscription in the top center of the boulder, below the tip and above line of the bottom-center.  Note that this hieroglyph closely resembles the ancient hieroglyph for the proto letter "H", which Churchward ascribes originated in the motherland of Mu, which was most certainly used by the Egyptians and Mayans in their hieroglyphs, and apparently, as we can see from this photo, by the ancient people here in the Northeast region of North America as well.  Are we to believe that these same hieroglyphs do not have a common source in deep antiquity, or should we believe the evidence before us: 

Presented below is the cover illustration for James Churchward's third book on his writings of Mu, published in 1931, "The Sacred Symbols of Mu."  It is no coincidence that a Falcon, or is that an Eagle (in any case a sacred bird) should be the cover illustration for this volume:

Note this stone bird effigy, which I interpreted as a Falcon, the "King" or "Most High" of birds (also known as the Sun Ra of the Egyptians), which I originally shared (so that I wouldn't be the only person on the friggin' planet to know this), from a previous post from May 2017 here: falcon-stone . 

View of another angle of the Falcon Stone:

Remember the photo below?  It is the "Gympie Ape" found near the site of the Gympie Pyramid in Queensland, Australia.  Note that this Ape Stone, when compared with the above photo of the North American Falcon Stone, is similar in size, dimension, workmanship and detail to it's counterpart.  For instance, compare the base of the stones alone.  They are clearly worked in the same style.  These stones, found on opposite ends of the Earth in the heartland of different indigenous cultures, echo the story of a lost history, before modern people's concept of "history" even begins, in fact.  Perhaps if Churchward deciphered the Nacaal and Mexican tablets correctly, these stones could be the remnants of the motherland civilization of the human race, which flourished in time as far back ago as 200,000 years in the distant past.  Also note that some people have deciphered the Gympie stone as the "Egyptian" (or proto-Egyptian) deity Thoth, depicted as an ape in this case: 

Below is a picture of a stone ruin on the remote island of Non Modal in the South Pacific ocean.  The structure is made from blocks of basalt rock, which is indigenous to that area.  Note that this structure has a quite similar look to some of the stone chambers and mounds that are found in the American Northeast, and elsewhere in the America's, in fact, all around the globe.  In the American Northeast, structures were built from the local granite, in the most part, yet the styles of the megalithic builders imply a common knowledge of the construction and USE of the chambers.  Also note the roof lintel here:  

Presented below is a link to a short 0:33 second commercial for the "hidden landscapes" series concerning the enigma of stone structures in the American Northeast.  Note the similarities between the structures shown in the commercial and the above picture, especially the structure shown at 0:18 seconds, although the similarities in structural integrity can be gleaned right off the bat from the advent of the ad.  Just follow the link below:

As the reader can now clearly discern for himself, the writings of researchers such as James Churchward's writings on the "Lost Continent" of Mu, the Motherland of Man, should not off-handedly be dismissed as "woo-woo".  On the contrary, such persons may have contributed a great knowledge of work that, if never published or shared, would leave our species (all of mankind) in the dark as to our origins of civilization, religious symbolism, and even, our cosmic origins.  A lot of work and new lines of inquiry would have to be opened to confirm the validity of these findings, but then again, perhaps that is what people like James Churchward, and people such as myself, (or Itzhak Bentov on the mechanics of consciousness), by writing this very post, and getting the research "out there" have already done for us.  We need only eyes to see and ears to listen.

Coming Up:  A Stone Chamber never shared before in photograph, at least to my knowledge.  So stay tuned.


  1. thank you for sharing this its very interesting and i realy like it. keep posting more
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