Beaver Brook Pt 7- Stone Mounds E & F + Standing Stones
Stone Mound E along the banks of Beaver Brook in five different angles-
Leaning Standing Stone along the brook-
This small standing stone is toppled over, or perhaps placed leaning against these other two rocks in this stone placement. What is the purpose of this? It is hard for me to imagine that in this context, this standing stone was erected where we find it today. I have a thought on this, partly based on observation, partly on intuition. I have seen this kind of thing before. Standing Stones placed into stone cairns that seem to be out of place. As if the standing stone and some of the other stones in smaller cairns or rock piles were dismantled from another place, spread out, and put into small piles. Maybe Native people did this to hide some of their sacred sites after experiencing battles with the Knights Templar (improperly portrayed as Vikings- there may have well been trade between Scandinavia and NorthEast America for thousands of years. One cannot ignore the likenesses of the American "Red Paint People" & the Scandinavian "Red Ochre People" of the same time period, as well as pre-Bronze age inscribed standing stones in Sweden that have been been deciphered as navigational maps to North America. These 2 cultural groups probably traded with each-other around the Northern Latitude lines on both sides of the Atlantic. There are even many similarities in Norse (scandinavian) mythology and Algonquin mythology between these two distinct groups. The "vikings" were the last proud indigenous people of the European penninsula fighting against Romanization, thus are villified. The Celts of the British Isles were unfortuneatly defeated at an earlier date by Julius Caesar in the 2nd century AD.)
In colonial times exploration of the New England area began in 1497, long before the Plymouth Colony settlement of 1620. Explorers (the NorthEastern equivalent of Conquistadors) were kidnapping native peoples (a hard fact) and -probably- spreading diseases, decimating populations all throughout the 1500's. Explorers such as Giovanni de Verrazano who we know was down by Narragansett Bay around 1524 were told to be on the look-out for the mythical city of "Norumbega", a city of gold, even placing the mythical city on maps. Just how much did Verrazano or somebody like him explore? (such as Dutch "fishermen"- is it any coincidence that the Bank of Amsterdam was the first National Bank?). Fact- small amounts of gold was found in several places in Hopkinton, MA. in the 19th century. There is not 1 "Norumbega" (probably a mis-pronunciation of the Abenaki word "Nolumbeka") but many- The Greater Echo Lake Area, "America's Stonehenge" in southern NH, Sherborn, MA., Groton, CT (Gungywamp), places along the Penobscot River in ME. and many other pre-colonial "hub" locations.
So, did Native people, in encountering some of these early explorers purposefully dismantle some of their stoneworks in a sacred manner to safeguard their sacred structures and objects from these conquerors? This question should be on the table, folks. We are dealing with genocide. Below is the Standing Stone that has been placed on a boulder along with several other stones-
On another note, here is a propped boulder along the brook I featured recently when there was still snow on the ground. From this angle it looks like an open beak tilting skywards. A fine niche spot under the boulder here, too-
From this angle the ledge stone looks like a turtle's head and the propped boulder the shell-
Meandering stone wall-
Stone Mound F in three different angles. I have featured this mound before on this blog but not in context to Beaver Brook and the other large mounds, Mound C ("Alpha Mound") being the largest. This leg of Beaver Brook appears to have six prominent stone mounds along the upper banks of the brook, as I have shown in this 7-part series of posts-
Possible turtle effigy at the foot of Beaver Brook Stone Mound F-
Compare the boulder in Photo #8 above to the probably/possibly fallen boulder in this photo: