Saturday, January 2, 2016

Peter Waksman's 'Ravine Culture' Hypothesis

Peter Waksman's 'Ravine Culture' Hypothesis

Peter Waksman, champion of the Rock Piles blog has announced a theory about certain rock pile/ stone mound groups.  "Explore a Ravine in 2016" is the slogan.  Mr. Waksman has called to attention a "Ravine Culture", having noted many Rock Piles/ Cairn Fields in ravines over-looking brooks/ streams. 
It is exactly this kind of perceptibility, insight and research spent looking at sites that makes Mr. Waksman an excellent researcher- precisely why I have studied his blog (and started my own) and have gone to see him speak at historical society's/ libraries- his research is very good and I always walk away with a tidbit of info (i.e. 'pearl of wisdom') that I hadn't before known.
The "Beaver Brook" series of posts I made on this blog last spring, which was something like 10 posts long, would be a very good example of Peter Waksman's "Ravine Culture" Hypothesis- with stone mounds, rock cairns, and other stone-works along and above Beaver Brook (College Rock Woods in Hopkinton, MA.)
To find out more detailed information about Peter Waksman's Ravine Culture Hypothesis, here is a link to his Rock Piles blog-

Yet more amazing research from Peter Waksman- thank you, Peter. 

Stay tuned for more... next up, a turtle petro-form cairn from Milford, MA- more from the Grand View/ Vision Place. 

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