Saturday, January 3, 2015

Some Chambers & Other Works ReCap

Some Chambers & Other Works ReCap

In Thompson CT.  "The Hermit's Cave."  Archaeologists have carbon-dated charcoal remains in this chamber to pre-colonial times:

Inside the Hermit's Cave:

Thompson CT Chamber #2:

Thompson CT. Chamber #3:

Thompson CT Dolmen, View A:



Thompson CT. Standing Stone:

Thompson CT. Chamber #4:


Standing Stones On the Roof of Thompson Chamber #4, over-looking water:

The nearby Webster Chamber.  The current landowner has been maintaining the site, doing some masonry work to save the integrity of the structure:

The Upton Chamber.  Also carbon dated to pre-colonial times:

Structure by Echo Lake Milford/ Hopkinton MA.  The roof slab looks very identical to the Webster Chamber:

Another view of Echo Lake Chamber/ Shrine:

The Uxbrudge Chamber:

Stone Shrine from Medway/ Holliston  (see recent posts):

Reconstruction of the "Beehive" shrine by Lake Whitehall; Hopkinton MA. (not in original site location- but close; structure inspired from the now destroyed original):

All of these structures also relate to other nearby works such as cairn fields (such as the Upton Chamber lining up to cairns on Pratt Hill), Standing Stones, stone walls and rows, Earthen Mounds, habitation and production sites, etc. and are along either navigable waterways (some still navigable, but much more so in ancient times) or old Native American trails such as The Great Trail (Boston to Connecticut) or Pout Lane (an extension/ side route along the Great Trail.)  See this article here:

The pre-history of this region needs to be re-examined and better understood- indeed, throughout the whole globe this needs to be done.  

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