Thursday, September 18, 2014

Some Further Thoughts on This Petro-Form

Taking A Stab At Analyzing This Petro-form- (Analyzing Through Symbolism & Choice of Locality):


    I included this petro-form in one of my last posts.  After looking at the picture, something struck me about it.  Firstly, I had already noticed there was a "head-and-shoulders" Manitou stone incorporated in the stone ring, as a centerpiece (this is the center stone that looks "bottle-like.")  All head-and-shoulders Manitou stones I have personally seen (in my area), are lop-sided, or tilted.  Meaning, the "shoulders" are un-even.  Then I looked at the stone ring and noticed that just like the Manitou stone, the 2 large stones that make up the sides against the boulder are un-even.  The left side is bigger than the right side- both on the stone ring and the Manitou stone.  

 No one is quite sure what a head-and-shoulders Manitou stone represents, but if I had to guess it must represent some kind of primal power that man can harness/ connect with.  Some quotes which sum up some aspects of pre-colonial Native North American cosmology come to mind here: "We stand at the center of our universe."    "The strength of the nation (sacred hoop) must not be broken." (quote from "Black Elk Speaks".)  As someone who has seen these head-and-shoulders monuments, their image indeed burns into the back of one's mind (especially the larger busts).

It is known that ancient man was an astronomer.  This is true with the indigenous Northeastern culture of what is today the United States.  We now know, and are finding out, that many of the stone-works incorporate calenders, solstice alignments, etc.  Mavor and Dix wrote their book "Manitou", from an archeo-astronomy perspective.

It is interesting to note that this petro-form is on top of a bedrock ledge that has split due to the moving of the Earth's plates, the tectonic plates.  This must have been an area, that at one time saw a lot of seismic/ earthquake activity.  It is also said that the Earth's orbit is slightly tilted from it's original position, due to a cataclysm affecting our solar system and planet.  Isn't it interesting that not only is the Earth's orbit tilted from it's original position, but that the sides of the stone ring and Manitou bust are "tilted" or, un-even.  This cannot be a coincidence.  According to Charles Guiliani's book "An Alternative View of the Distant Past", "if enough energy existed to knock the Earth into a larger orbit...such energy would also have knocked the Earth off it's rotational axis, causing it's current 23.5 degrees tilt."

Our ancestors would have experienced this catastrophe and would have recorded this within their own respective cultures.  This pertains to Native New England people and perhaps what this petro-form may represent, with it's tilted stones, i.e., "tilted axis".  

 With the Earth being knocked out of orbit and further away from the sun, Giuliani argues in his book, cultures around the world would of had to plan their harvests and seasonal activities more carefully due to climate change.  This could be one explanation for so many stone calenders and the like.  Our ancestors would of had to be (and were) very astute astronomers.

From my own perceptions I can speculate that perhaps the meaning of this petro-form was to:

A) Record the current condition/state of the cosmology of the people's world (the universe our ancestors experienced) or 
B) As some kind of charm or enchantment to hold balance to the universe after the Earth's 23.5 degree tilt, or after experiencing some such earthquake activity (a primal force of power) that would have caused the bedrock ledge that this petro-form is built upon to split.

Giuliani mentions in his book "An Alternative View of the Distant Past" that cultures all around the world were obsessed with the above ideas.  For instance he describes that "the ancient priests of Machu Picchu... practiced a ritual with a mystical cord attached to a stone pillar in order to guide the sun in it's journey across the sky, preventing it from going off course" (i.e., man symbolically upholding balance to their world.) 

I would argue that the ancestors of Native New England people also had a similarly rich cosmology in wanting to hold balance to their universe, and this is an idea, or rather a theory I am presenting, that perhaps can explain some of the meaning of this petro-form, and the ideas it represents with it's tilted stones, symbolism and choice of locality.  

-Pictures and article by Matt Howes.


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